jueves, 21 de marzo de 2019

2EP_SocialSciences_My town and its public places or services

These months we have learnt that

In Puertollano, as in every town, there are different buildings which are used for different things...

Services are things other people do for us ! If you ask them after one of our lessons, we want to be... police officers, teachers or firefighters! Nevertheless, these days we're learning some other jobs, as you can see in the previous post ! Let's see if they change their mind in some days !!

Do you want to review a post from February? !

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QUINTO - Curso 2020-21 - Francés

  Aujourd'hui on est lundi 28 septembre 2020 On va saluer  ( Vamos a saludar)  On utilise ... ( Utilizamos...) Bonjour - Para dar los bu...