domingo, 24 de marzo de 2019


Our planet, Earth

 Let's review with these videos from YOUTUBE : Our planet, Earth ( continents and oceans)

Let's go really deep ! Pangea - the SEVEN continents

What's a GLOBE ?  This is a GLOBE !

What's a MAP? These images are a WORLD MAP and a SPANISH MAP

Cardinal directions : NEVER EAT SLIMY WORMS 

Where's the North? Where's the South? Where's the East? and...Where's the West?

Welldone !

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QUINTO - Curso 2020-21 - Francés

  Aujourd'hui on est lundi 28 septembre 2020 On va saluer  ( Vamos a saludar)  On utilise ... ( Utilizamos...) Bonjour - Para dar los bu...