miércoles, 27 de febrero de 2019

2EP_SocialSciences_1.03_Unit 5


Fancy watching some videos from Youtube 
to learn some vocabulary about the unit we are working on?

This video is bit boring but...it's useful to review public places vocabulary:

Let's go deeper ... "what do we do in any kind of place ? " Let's see :

"Are you... in Puertollano? "

"Where is your family right now ?" "Are you with them? " Shall we sing together ? 

" Do you know your neighbourhood? " "What's in your neighbourhood?"

Let's sing together again !! Ey, "where are you going today?" Sing here !

Ok guys ! Well done ! You've rewied vocabulary, and you have already sung several songs ! Let's have a look at our notes :  Notes - Unit 5
See you in class! 

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QUINTO - Curso 2020-21 - Francés

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